The Public Speaking Community For Tomorrow's Thought Leaders

Apply to Join October's cohort

"This is exactly the community I wish existed since my first years doing keynote speeches. Super happy to be part of it!"

Roberta Lucca, Entrepreneur | BAFTA Award Winner

Surround yourself with leaders who
think and communicate BIG

There comes a point in your career where you realise your speaking abilities have untapped potential and that you need to take action to unlock it.

You're being asked to speak at conferences and events, and you're building a good reputation for yourself, but there's a nagging feeling that you could be doing more. Reaching more people, making a bigger impact and maybe even getting paid for it.

That's where MicDrop comes in.

We are a community of like-minded individuals who are all on the same journey as you. Whether you're a leader within a business, a founder of a startup, or a thought leader looking to land more speaking engagements or grow your speaking business, we are here to help you take it to the next level.

Our Open Mics provide a fun and supportive environment for members to practice their skills and get real-time feedback. Our Masterclasses bring in carefully chosen experts to share their knowledge and help members level up their speaking game. And our knowledge base offers access to world-class training and resources at your fingertips; from managing nerves to landing high-profile speaking engagements.

But the real magic of MicDrop is in our community. We have a wealth of knowledge between us that will enable you to grow faster and feel supported whilst you do it.

So if you're ready to unlock that untapped potential, come join us at MicDrop. We'll be with you every step of the way.

A year of clarity in 24 hours

"I feel like I gained more clarity on my message within the first 24 hours of joining MicDrop than I have in the last year, and I wish I was exaggerating!"

Heidi Marshamn, Head of Design and Experience, Homemove

Our Mission

Impact 🎤

Great speakers always put their audience's needs before their own. Standing on stage and telling your life story or talking about your business isn't enough.

That's why we focus on helping you position yourself and deliver your message in a way that truly resonates with your audience. It's about connecting with them, inspiring them and leaving a lasting impact.

Land 🎯

Landing speaking opportunities is an art in itself. From identifying the right events to crafting the perfect pitch, it can be a challenging process.

But with us, you'll have the tools and support to master it. We keep an ear to the ground for speaking opportunities at some of the most recognised conferences around and we'll be there to celebrate with you when you land them.

Elevate 🚀

It can be daunting to put yourself out there, but therein lies the power of this community. We understand that confidence is a work in progress and as we grow more successful, it can be even more challenging to maintain.

So no matter where you're at in your speaking journey, or how rough around the edges you may feel, we are a community of supportive and encouraging individuals who will champion you in your speaking journey.

Profit 💰

The speaking industry is notoriously secretive when it comes to growing a speaking business.

Some of our members are looking to build an income from speaking. If that's you, rest assured that we are more than happy to talk about money. Whether you're unsure about whether to charge, what to charge or how to negotiate your fee, we will help you optimise your offerings.

Together, we will go further, faster.

I've become a more visible leader!

"The community feeling was instant. Alex's style makes you feel like you are learning with friends and the resources are exactly what I was looking for."

Amelia Ashton-Jones, Director, Sail GP

As a member you get...

Unlimited access to coaching 🚀

At a fraction of the cost. We deliberately cap the number of members so we can provide an exceptional level of support. Think of me as your personal speaking coach!

A community to grow with 👏

Surround yourself with like-minded people who will champion YOU! We have accountability groups, mentorship support, and do cohort sprints together.

Weekly Open Mics 🎤

Coaching workshops designed to hone your speaking skills in front of a fun and supportive audience! Turn up every week, or come once a month, whatever suits your needs!

Access to speaking opportunities 🎯

We'll find out which events are looking for speakers so you don't have to.

My complete training library 🎓

So you can learn on demand. Reach your full potential with all of the videos, tools and resources you need to support your speaking goals.

WhatsApp support groups 📝

Our WhatsApp community has specific support groups, such as the LinkedIn Booster and Paid Speaking Strategies.

Our special guest masterclasses

Live and recorded 60-minute sessions that will change the way you present for good.

I'm now speaking on big stages...

"Within a month of becoming a member, I landed a slot at Hello Tomorrow which has since generated other international speaking opportunities."

Alice Driscoll, Founder and Leadership Coach

... and so are we!

Meet the Founder

Meet the Founder ▶

I'm Alex. When people find out I'm a public speaking coach, they tend to make two assumptions. Firstly, I must love public speaking and secondly, I must come from some sort of performing background.

Neither of these is true...

I used to be the COO of a London start-up and have never sought the spotlight! Public speaking isn't something that comes naturally to me. I learned how to present well because, like many of our members, I didn't have a choice.

This path has been critical to my success as a coach.

It's taught me that what you say matters as much as how you say it, and that anyone can look confident, but feeling confident is what really matters.

But most importantly of all, it's taught me that impactful presentations magnify your ability to affect change.

Learning how to deliver high-stakes presentations helped me grow my previous business from 4-250 people. As the curator of TEDxClapham, I saw that one, short presentation could go on to have a monumental impact. Talks I've worked on have gone on to change government legislation, attract 8-figure investments and create life-changing opportunities for the speakers themselves.

This is exactly why I created MicDrop. I'll be hosting Open Mics, Ask Me Anythings, and several workshops each year. By becoming a member you get direct access to me and you will receive the same kind of support that my coaching clients get but at a fraction of the cost.

And I can't wait to give it, because when all is said and done, I'm on the very same journey as you!

From Founder to Thought Leader

"Alex is a genius at what he does. The quality of the content and the calibre of the members is top-notch. Quite frankly I don’t believe there’s anything else like this out there. So if you’ve been wanting to significantly upgrade your public speaking skills, I couldn’t recommend MicDrop more highly!"

Pooja Paul, Cognitive Scientist, Founder of Habitable Earth

Highly vetted for high impact 🚀

MicDrop isn't a community that people can join at any time.

Why? Because we're building something rather wonderful and we want to do everything we can to preserve it.

Rather than growth at all costs, we're being really intentional about who we let in.

We want to invest as much time and care in our members as possible. So every member will be hand-selected on a rolling basis.

If you are ready to take your public speaking and thought leadership skills to the next level, then we invite you to apply!

Join the community...

Alex Knight


Mostyn Wilson

Leadership Advisor and Executive Coach

Jessica Lorimer

B2B Sales Coach

Dr.Dupe Burgess

Founder, Bloomful

Ben Keene

Founder, Rebel Book Club | Raaise

Rajani Rao

Principal Technologist, AVEVA|
Founder, Women Coding Community

Jess Meredith

Co-Founder, Differing Minds

Billie Quinlan

Fellow at Rogue Women Venture| Author 

Ready to jump in?!

Apply to join our October intake

£1200 + vat/year
Cancel anytime

  • Attend unlimited Open Mics 🎤
  • Access to live speaking opportunities 🤫
  • Instant access to all courses (worth £499) and the knowledge base 🧠
  • Join curated WhatsApp support groups 🙌
  • Ask unlimited questions in the member's hub 🤔
  • Invites to all in-person events 🤩
  • Access to our growing database of paid speaking engagements 💰
  • Take part in member sprints and challenges 🧗‍♀️

When our October intake is full,
fees will be increasing to £1497 + VAT*

15% Complete

Fun fact:
12 months of 121 coaching? £12k
My 12-week Thought Leadership Accelerator?

A year's MicDrop membership? £1,200

Questions I'd ask 🤔

MicDrop Q&A

The next intake kicks off with a welcome party for new members in October. This is a chance to make some friends, ensure you've got access to everything you need and leave with a clear next step to kick start your MicDrop journey.

We know that this can be intimidating, but that is exactly why we are here. Our culture is non-judgmental and completely focused on helping you grow.

For us, more important than where you are right now, is where you want to get to. So whether you're new to speaking or a seasoned pro, you'll find plenty of support, encouragement and constructive feedback to help you get to the next level.

The best thing to do is book a call with Alex. If it's not quite the right fit based on your speaking goals, he'll point you in the direction of something that might be more suitable.

After the welcome party, our new members spend the first three weeks working directly with Alex to get 'message-ready.'

Why? Because when you know that you've got a message that matters, it changes everything. From your own confidence, to the connection you have with your audience and the impact your talks go on to create.

After that, we will point you in the direction of your most valuable next step.

No. While most people join Toastmasters to get over their fear of public speaking, our members join because they are ready to take their public speaking and thought leadership skills to the next level.

Our focus isn't just on building stage confidence, it's about helping our members...

  • Get clear on what it is they want to say,
  • Land speaking engagements that will build their personal brand,
  • Develop their thought leadership and storytelling skills,
  • Secure their first paid speaking engagement,
  • Increase their speaking fees, and most importantly of all...
  • Feel like they aren't on this journey alone.

It doesn't matter what stage in your thought leadership journey you're at. We are all here to support each other.

Open Mics are 60-minute workshops designed to test your speaking skills.

  • 🤛 Action, accountability and Ask Alex Anything: Your opportunity to put Alex on the spot!
  • 🧠 The Technical Challenge: An opportunity to focus on a specific speaking technique.
  • 🤺 The MicDrop Debate: Sharpen your critical thinking and impromptu speaking skills.
  • 🤩 The Storyteller's Stage: Take your storytelling skills to the next level.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ The Keynote Clinic: Practice a 3-minute section of an upcoming talk you are working on.

They happen on Mondays at 5pm and Wednesdays or Fridays at 12pm (London time).

Most of our members attend 1-2 Open Mics/month. Others are far less regular and get value from their membership in other ways. E.g. getting support from Alex on applying to speak at conferences like TEDx, working out what to charge for a speaking engagement etc.

It very much depends on where you're at on your thought leadership journey.

We run three in-person events a year. This gives our members a chance to exercise their speaking skills in real life and practice managing the pre-event build-up.

MicDrop is a closed community and we open our doors to new members quarterly. All prospective members jump on a 15-minute call with Alex to ensure MicDrop is the right fit for them. To get on the waitlist for the next cohort, apply now by clicking the yellow button below!

Yes! We have specific support groups for our paid speakers and run regular challenges on how to generate paid speaking enquiries. On top of that, we are pioneering research around speaking fees with initiatives like The MicDrop Open Speaker Fee Project so that we can help you optimise your offerings.

Then you'll be in good company. Around half of our members have no interest in getting paid to speak.

MicDrop started as a small part of Alex's coaching business. It's become something so meaningful, we want to invest more time and money into the community so that we can help our members fulfil their true potential.

Yes, we provide a complete refund within 14 days of full access to the hub, excluding any bank processing fees. It's really important to us that each of our members gets value from being part of the club.